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Editorial Complaints Policy

At Realax CBD, we take our commitment to journalistic integrity seriously. We strive to produce accurate, high-quality content that is informative and engaging for our readers.

However, we recognize that there may be times when our content falls short of these standards, and we welcome feedback and complaints from our readers. If you have a complaint about any of our editorial content, please follow the steps below to ensure that your complaint is properly addressed:

Contact us: Please email us at info@realaxcbd.comwith the subject line “Editorial Complaint.” In your email, please include the following information:
Your name and contact information
The URL of the article you are complaining about
A brief description of your complaint and why you believe it violates our editorial standards
Review: Our editorial team will review your complaint and determine if it is valid. We may reach out to you for additional information if needed.

Response: We will respond to your complaint within 6 with our findings and any corrective actions we plan to take.

Please note that we take all complaints seriously, but we cannot guarantee that we will agree with every complaint or take specific actions in response to each one. We reserve the right to make editorial decisions based on our judgment and journalistic standards.

Thank you for your support of Realax CBD and our commitment to producing quality content for our readers.

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